Happy Birthday Hozier


We can’t seem to wish Hozier Happy Birthday enough today. We may be more excited about his birthday than we are our own birthdays. We are just transfixed by his awesomeness. From now own, St. Patrick’s Day will probably also be known as Hozier Day. He is just that awesome, and all of the birthday messages on Twitter today are proof that we aren’t the only ones in total adoration of this man who turned twenty-five years old today. He has, however, the talent and depth of someone much older. He is almost unbelievable.

We initiated our own Twitter campaign for his birthday.  We wanted to collect a bunch of birthday wishes for him all in one place and let the fans tell him why they love him and what his music means to them. We were a little late getting this campaign started due to post-Hozier-concert depression, but the fans were quick to join in, so here are several of them, and the rest can be found at #hozierbdayluv ***







Many of us also contributed to this wonderful masterpiece, which we are hoping that you have already had the pleasure of viewing. Thanks again to Isabelle Grant (aka. Cozy) for putting this together:


Andrew, as fans we can be quite silly and might sometimes go a little overboard when we are having our fangirl or fanboy moments. For some of the reasons we love you so much, this kind of thing is probably quite overwhelming and maybe even unnerving. That is certainly not our intent, though.

Your music brought us here, and we continue to love you more and more each day. We have connected with other fans, with some of us forming close and possibly lifetime friendships, and at the very least, we have a really fun time being part of the Hozier fandom. You and the other fans bring us much joy.

Thank you Andrew Hozier-Byrne for you and your music. We hope you have an amazing day and that your twenty-fifth year will bring you continued happiness and success.

***Hozier 24/7 fully approves and endorses the tweets above